Lucrarea ”Particularitatile pietei muncii din economiile emergente in conditiile actuale ale globalizarii”, a fost prezentată în cadrul Conferinței ”Cunoaştere şi comunicare în era globalizării”, organizată de Universitatea ”Constantin Brancuși” din Tg. Jiu în luna aprilie/2011și a fost publicată în Analele Universitatii ”Constantin Brâncusi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Litere si Stiinte Sociale nr. 4/2012 (B+)
Abstract: Economic theory tells that macroeconomic stability and sustainable economic growth is based on involving of all factors of production, like labor and capital, and the technological progress. Labor factor contribution involves a high level of employment. A high level of employment means a broader tax base which increases the state budget and the budgets of social security (health, unemployment, pensions, etc.). This reasoning is valid only in the developed economies, because the emerging economies features in the current context of globalization, which we will describe in this article, it shows us something else. In this study we will present the arguments for is not enough only the increasing rate of employment level for the economic welfare insurance in emerging economies, but should be take in consideration the increasing employment in taxable activities, because in the economies less developed, there is an important segment of the population, which is occupied but not taxed, so do not contribute to state budget revenues and social security budgets.